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Interview Questions
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This subscription contains the recordings of online sessions conducted on various topics.
As the recording file sizes are in MBs so we are charging a token amount to cover our bandwidth expenses.
Delivery mode (?): | Electronic Delivery, Online downloadable |
Duration/Validity: | Life time |
Tips for buying: You may buy without logging in, however to provide a better service we suggest to login.
Download of all above recordings |
Rs 224.55 |
$5.99 |
51.00% |
- |
Rs 110.03/ $2.94 |
Contact us for volume licenses discount. | Payment can be done securely using Credit card, Debit card or Net banking. |
Online Sessions included in this download
- The OOPS online session video and PPT
- The ASP.NET online session video and PPT
- The ADO.NET online session video and PPT
- The Agile Software Development using Scrum online session video and PPT
- The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle online training session video and PPT
- The SQL Server Performance tuning session video
- The Project Time Management Online Sessions held on 25-Sep-2010
- The Career Advice Online Session held on 26-Sep-2010
- The SSIS webcast conducted on 2-Dec-2010
- The ASP.NET MVC webcast conducted on 9-Dec-2010
- The jQuery webcast conducted on 16-Dec-2010
- The PRISM in Silverlight webcast conducted on 23-Dec-2010
- The 3 Important Design Pattern - Factory, Singleton and Iterator pattern conducted on 06-Jan-2011
- The WCF deep dive in to Security, Instancing and Concurrency conducted on 13-Jan-2011
- The WCF Security webcast conducted on 22-Jan-2011
- The 3-Tier using LINQ webcast conducted on 03-Feb-2011
- The WCF Data Services webcast conducted on 10-Feb-2011
- The ASP.NET AJAX Client Side Technologies webcast conducted on 24-Feb-2011
- The ASP.NET Performance testing using VSTS webcast conducted on 03-Mar-2011
- The Session Management in ASP.NET webcast conducted on 09-Jun-2011
- The MVP Design Pattern webcast conducted on 18-Jun-2011
Sample projects included in this download
- ASP.NET 2.0 & ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Sample Project with source code. This project contains following
- Single UpdatePanel
- Multiple UpdatePanel
- Updating UpdatePanel of 2nd UserControl from 1st UserControl
- Timer Control
- UpdateProgress Bar
- Populate Child DropDownList from the Selected Value of Parent DropDownList
- GridView Paging
- GridView Sorting
- DataSource controls
- and many more ....
- A fully developed Home Account Tracker (HAT) Project with source code. Build in ASP.NET 2.0.
- Master pages
- User controls
- Themes
- Skins
- App_Code folder
- FormView controls
- GridView controls
- DetailsVIew controls
- DataSource controls
- and many more ....
Above two projects are also available free of cost on DotNetFunda.Com.
How to play the videos available in the zip file?
If you are facing any problem in playing the videos, please contact us.
ITFunda .com
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ITFunda.Com is an e-commerce website that furnishes a platform to the interested buyer and seller to interact and transact for the software or software related services. We are a part of SN ITFunda Services LLP, a parent establishment of a popular Microsoft(R) technology related knowledge based website www.dotnetfunda.com.
SN ITFunda Services LLP is a authorized distributor / re-seller of- Own products
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- ASP.NET How to's
- jQuery How to's
- ASP.NET AJAX Tutorials
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- Online .NET Trainings
- TechSmith Corporation products like
- Camtasia Studio
- SnagId
- Morae
- Nevron Software
- Nevron .NET Vision
- Nevron Chart for Sharepoint
- Nevron Chart for SSRS
- Nevron .NET Chart
- Nevron Diagram for .NET
- Nevron Gauge for .NET
- Nevron Gauge for Sharepoint
- Nevron Sharepoint Vision Suite
- Nevron SSRS Vision
- Questpond training materials
- Deccansoft training materials
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