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This is a comprehensive ASP.NET MVC 5 training, and will give you enough knowledge to start developing any kind of ASP.NET MVC applications. It is based on real time problems faced in MNCs projects.
This training is delivered by Sheo Narayan (the founder of & Ex Microsoft MVP)
Seller: Itfunda
Technology covered: ASP.NET-MVC-5 HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap jQuery
Delivery mode (?): Offline & Online Classroom training,
List Price: $650.00 Discount: 25.00%
| Final Price: Rs 31687.50/$487.50
ASP.NET 4.0 using C# - A comprehensive online training on ASP.NET 4.0 using Visual C# 2013. This training gives you real time scenario based knowledge on C#, ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX that help you to work on any kind of web development projects in .NET technologies.
This training is delivered by Mr. Sheo Narayan (Ex Microsoft MVP).
Suitable for Windows developer or a complete freshers in the IT Industry who know HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Seller: Itfunda
Technology covered: ASP.NET-4.0 CSharp Visual-Studio LINQ
Delivery mode (?): Online Classroom Training , via Microsoft live meeting or WebEx
List Price: $350.00 Discount: 25.00%
| Final Price: Rs 13125.00/$262.50
ASP.NET 4.0 using Visual C# - A comprehensive web development online training. This training gives you real time scenario based knowledge on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C#, ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX that help you to work on any kind of web development projects in .NET technologies.
This training is delivered by Sheo Narayan (Ex Microsoft MVP).
Suitable for Windows developer or a complete freshers in the IT Industry.
1 vote(s) Rating: 5 out of 5     
Seller: Itfunda
Technology covered: ASP.NET-4.0 Visual-Studio LINQ CSharp CSS JavaScript HTML
Delivery mode (?): Offline & Online Classroom training, via Microsoft live meeting or WebEx
List Price: $550.00 Discount: 12.50%
| Final Price: Rs 28875.00/$481.25
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