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ASP.NET Tutorials - ITFunda.Com
The idea is to redirect the user to the generic error page and show the generic error message. On this page, access the last error occurred log into the database, log file or send in the email.
Technology covered: ASP.NET Security
Type: Tips and Tricks (Books)
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To save session in the different process or different machine (in the state process) so that crashing application doesn't destroy the session data, we can follow this approach.
Technology covered: ASP.NET
Type: Tips and Tricks (Books)
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ASP.NET Session keeps track of the user by creating a cookie called “ASP.NET_SessionId” in the user browser. This cookie value is checked for every request to ensure that the data being served is specific to that user. In many application, Session variable is used to track the logged in user, ie. If a session variable exists for that user then the User is logged in otherwise not.
Technology covered: ASP.NET Security
Type: Tips and Tricks (Books)
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